8 years, 3 months

Transformación del canto de un pájaro


Sample details:

Original (http://www.freesound.org/people/cajo/sounds/34207/) procesado con sms-tools Transformation GUI as assigment of the Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications course at Coursera.org The goal was to obtain a different bird sign, a more homogeneous one, playing with time scaling factors and freq stretching to compensating variations of pitch in the original sound. A freq scaling of 0.5 to go to a sub-octave range to accomplish a sound with more low frequency content.

transformacion pajaro

Channels: 1 | Samplerate: 44100 | Genre: Other | Instrument: Voice

Licencia Creative Commons

"Transformación del canto de un pájaro" by Hernán Ordiales is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Published: Oct. 17, 2016, 2:26 p.m. by Hernán Ordiales. Permanent link.

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